Filmmaker Karan Johar took to his Instagram handle to share a cryptic post taking a dig at the Bollywood films for blindly following latest trends. Karan Johar shared this post just a few hours before the teaser release of his upcoming film Kill. He criticized filmmaker’s inability to create original stories.
Karan Johar Takes A Dig At Bollywood Films:
On his Instagram story, Karan wrote a lengthy note as “Bada scale chahiye toh woh banao! Action chali! Action banao! Love story chali toh love story banao! Chick flick hit hui toh waha jao! Mausam har hafte badalta hai…conviction har hafte marta hai! Box office hai bhaiya Instagram reel nahi…30 second ki trending mein reh jaoge wahi ke wahi!”(English translation: If you need a movie in bigger scale then do that, If action works then do action flick, If love story works then do romantic movie, If chick flick becomes a hit then make it! When weather changes frequently the conviction will be killed frequently. Its box office, not an Instagram reel that If you chase it, then you will land trending in 30 seconds.)
Also Read: Vashu Bhagnani About Lean Phase Of Akshay Kumar, ‘No Better Example Than Shah Rukh Khan’.
Earlier, Karan posted a message about loyalty saying “Loyalty is like a Birkin…. It has a long waiting list…”
Talking about his work, Karan recently produced Yodha starring Sidharth Malhotra, Raashi Khanna and Disha Patani. Earlier, he directed ‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani’. His upcoming films are Mr & Mrs Mahi, Kill, Bad News, Jigra, and Shankara. Lately, Dharma Productions has released the teaser of their upcoming film ‘Kill’.